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Property Insurance: Landlords from jml Insurance Services

Isn't time you thought about insurance for your rental property? Scroll down the page to find insurance companies and get a quote / buy on line and arrange cover direct.

The UK has seen a massive increase in the number of property investors, from the private landlord who owns a single investment property, to the professional landlord with a portfolio of properties

See also:

Protect your rental property now. Most normal home owner policies provide no cover whatsoever if you let your  rental property. The unthinkable happens — Are you covered?

As the properties you own are probably the biggest investment you will ever make it makes both economic and common sense to ensure that they are fully protected by having the best possible insurance. The insurance should be with a reputable company at an affordable and competitive premium and with an insurer who is going to deal with all claims quickly and as sympathetically as possible.

Landlords' insurance cover has some different features to normal household insurance. As well as buildings and contents cover, a specialist landlord policy can be tailored to include cover for liability insurance, legal expenses, rent guarantee and also emergency assistance.

Buy-to-Let properties are now very popular in the uk Find out more here

Insurance in rental properties is often overlooked. It  is of  major importance that  all  Landlords insure their contents, especially in unfurnished properties.

Contents insurance covers more than just furniture, for example if there was a small flood from a washing machine which damaged carpets and decoration that claim would not be covered by buildings insurance as the fabric or structure of the property was not effected. Perhaps the most important and most overlooked part of contents insurance is the public liability aspect which forms part of most contents policies.

Should your Tenant have an accident within the property due to, for example, a loose stair carpet they may decide to make a claim against you. It is bad enough for any kind of accident to happen within your let property but to then face a possible claim and have no insurance is something no Landlord should have to endure.

Make sure you keep up your insurance payments - if you don't your insurance cover can stop and if you  need to claim.... you have a big problem 

Get a Quote and arrange Immediate Cover Online — Pay monthly or annually. Pay by Credit card, or by Direct debit. Scroll down this page and click on the appropriate logo for more information and a quote 

Landlords Products:

HomeLet Landlord and Tenants logo
HomeLet Landlord and Tenants
HomeLet Landlord and Tenant Rental property insurance
Landlords' insurance from HomeLet for Landlords in England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland logo
Landlords' insurance from HomeLet for Landlords in England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland

HomeLet Landlord Insurance — for Landlords in England, Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland...

Landlord's Insurance from Andrew Copeland Insurance logo
Landlord's Insurance from Andrew Copeland Insurance
Landlord's Insurance from Andrew Copeland Insurance Consultants

Andrew Copeland International Property Insurance logo