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Property Insurance: Tenants from jml Insurance Services

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Face the facts.....

Did you know that domestic burglary accounts for 8% of all recorded crime in the UK? Are you covered in the event of a burglary?

Most tenancy agreements state that it is the tenants' responsibility for any damage to their landlord's property. Are you covered?

Over 100,000 bicycles are stolen every year. Thieves love them because they can be sold easily and anonymously. Are you covered?

The average cost of a student burglary is £900. The most commonly stolen items are personal laptops / computers and other electrical goods. Are you covered?

Is your Landlord going to keep your deposit? Are you covered? when you spill your wine or coffee on the landlord's carpet?           SEE ALSO: Tips for Tenants when renting a property

If you are renting a property the insurance that the owner has will probably not cover your own belongings. You should take out your own contents insurance.

Did you also know that ...All tenants are at risk from theft and damage to their own and their landlord's contents, yet
only 10% of tenants actually have sufficient cover.

Most tenants buy insurance because they want to protect their deposit through a specialist insurance that covers not only their contents, but also includes valuable cover against accidental damage to their Landlords property, fixtures or fittings.

Get a Quote, arrange Immediate Cover Online — Pay monthly or annually. Pay by Credit card, or by Direct debit.

Tenants Products:

HomeLet Landlord and Tenants logo
HomeLet Landlord and Tenants
HomeLet Landlord and Tenant Rental property insurance
HomeLet Tenant Insurance logo
HomeLet Tenant Insurance

HomeLet - Tenants & Students insurance 

Andrew Copeland International Property Insurance logo