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Insurance is one essential you can’t afford to be without today - Press Release


Released  28th October 2008  

Summary:  As the UK heads to recession and the credit crunch is biting, many people are making serious cutbacks in expenditure. One of these is insurance because unlike a mobile phone they don't think it to be an essential.

2008 has seen major changes in the economies of countries worldwide and many countries like the UK are about to go into recession or are already being classified as in recession

jml has just launched a campaign on it's group websites entitled "Insurance is one essential you can't afford to be without today"

Philip Suter of jml insurance said"At times like these as a result of the credit crunch many people are now cutting back. They still have to fund their mobile phone, internet subscription and satellite / cable TV costs. They will however look to making cuts in other area and one of these is insurance."

"Some insurance cover is mandatory under the law of the country for example motor vehicle insurance so you can't cut that out and if you have a mortgage the mortgage company insists that the property has adequate buildings insurance."

"It is a different case when it comes to contents insurance for homeowners and landlords and tenants, travel insurance and even car hire excess insurance."

jml insurance has been marketing Landlord and Tenant insurance products for companies like HomeLet and Endsleigh for several years. The market is very buoyant in the UK and Ireland where there has been a massive decline in the sales market. Landlords must protect their investments and tenants need to protect their possessions by taking out insurance. Most tenants have laptop computers now and to cut back on insurance is not ideal. Tenants to think that they don't have many possessions till the start to add up the costs of replacing the ipod, clothes, money that was stolen and the pedal cycle...

Philip went on to say "If you are going on holiday don't forget your travel insurance, you never know if you have to cancel at the last minute, get delayed or have an accident. Over the last twenty five years have had to make a couple of claims and have found as a frequent traveller that an annual family policy has worked out cheaper. As someone who travels several times a year and rents cars whilst away, an annual car hire excess policy from has also been much better value than paying the higher individual costs to a car hire company on each rental."

Many insurance companies offer monthly payment schemes payable by direct debit or credit card; however someone who looks at cutting costs can easily cancel their insurance payments without thinking about the consequences. If the policy holder needs to claim they will often find that as the payments stopped so did the insurance cover.

Company Information

jml is part of jml Property Services, the trading name of Jeffrey Milner Ltd. The company is an UK based company that was established in 1979. jml insurance acts as an introducer for insurance companies selling property insurance including landlord and tenant rental products, pet insurance, wedding insurance, motor insurance, car hire excess insurance, travel insurance and non standard insurance products. They also operate an online marketing service for owners of holiday home property to advertise and are part of the jml Group that includes jml Training and Consultancy

© jml Property Services October 2008

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