e-group insurance products are now available at jml Insurance
Released 17th March 2008
Summary: e-group insurance products are now available at jml insurance.com. The advantage of this product is that anyone purchasing the product can manage their own policy on line without having to use a call centre as a lot of people don’t like using these.
The e-group insurance products can now be purchased on line via jml insurance acting as an introducer. eGroup Insurance was Launched in April 2005, eGroup are the first direct insurer to offer full online purchase and administration of insurance policies in the UK. eGroup is a wholly owned subsidiary of Group Direct and eGroup has been commissioned by Southern Rock Insurance to develop and administer its internet based insurance sales and administration systems.
All the eGroup sites allow customers to buy and fully administer their own policies online from quote to renewal.According to a Southern Rock spokesperson "This allows Southern Rock to keep expenses extremely low and pass some of those savings on to the consumer." The revolutionary system means that someone who takes out one of their insurance policies can manage the whole policy on line - No phone calls, No waiting. Instant access to make changes to their policy, when they need it 24hrs a day 7 days a week
The products available are eHome insurance buildings and contents insurance products, eCar insurance for cars, - specialist insurance for vans, and to cater for the motor bike market eBike insurance.
Philip Suter of jml Insurance said "we at jml insurance are very pleased to be offer the high quality products offered by the e-group and the fact that they are offering an automated on line service makes a great deal of sense today. This ties in neatly with our web site jml-insurance.co.uk as we are governed by FSA regulations whereby we can only introduce people to an insurance company like the e-group by following a link and we cannot offer any advice on the phone".
Since eBike, was launched in April 2005 in its first 18 months sold around 50,000 policies. E group. eGroup is currently developing a number of new e-products: ehome, eTravel, eMinibus, and Radical.com (a young driver product). They expect to see an explosive growth in the field of e-commerce and we are well positioned to take advantage of the developing market. Philip commented "that jml-insurance would also be very happy to offer these new and exciting products when they became available."
More information can be found at the jml insurance website www.jml-insurance.co.uk
Company Informationjml Insurance.co.uk is part of jml Property Services, the trading name of Jeffrey Milner Ltd. The company is an
© jml Property Services March 2008
See Also:
November 2008: eGroup Motoring & Insurance News November 08