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Intasure Holiday Chalet & Log Cabin Insurance

Intasure is a holiday chalet & Log cabin insurance specialist with a proven track record in pioneering new products.

Holiday chalet insurance, if you own or are
purchasing a Chalet or Log Cabin we can offer specialist insurance for buildings and contents cover for you.

Holiday chalet insurance

Log Cabin Insurance: If you own or are purchasing a holiday chalet we can offer specialist insurance for buildings and contents cover for you.

As an owner of a HOLIDAY CHALET, it is vital that you fully understand the extent and limitations of your insurance policy. Do you have the cover for legal liability for domestic employees? What restrictions are in place in letting and occupancy etc?.

The answer to this problem is a specialist in chalet insurance. A plain English property insurance policy underwritten by Lloyds of London and administered in the UK via helpful and knowledgeable staff.

Don't risk turning you dream chalet into a nightmare

Intasure is a trading name of Blenheim Park Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority

FSA registration number is 311572

Intersure Insurance Products